Surely you have heard or read that “fruit at night makes you fat”, that “water with lemon on an empty stomach makes you lose weight” and several similar statements about food.

Because a lot is said and written about what makes you fat and what makes you lose weight, about what is healthier and what is not … And from so much talk and writing, many myths end up spreading, so we can talk about them to question some realities.

In this post we are going to analyze some of the most widespread myths and a reality.

«Fruit at night makes you fat» ❌

Fruit never makes you fat; therefore, not at night either. It is true that fruit provides us with sugars in the form of fructose, but always accompanied by other nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals, which make this sugar a considered intrinsic sugar that does not affect our health.

Gaining weight or not depends on the good or bad dietary patterns (it is the set of what we eat) and the physical activity carried out regularly.

I repeat: fruit never makes you fat!

“Melon kills at night” (as the saying goes) ❌

Well, some people can feel bad and others not. This categorical statement has no scientific basis, so if you want to eat melon at night, do it.

I think the problem is usually about the quantity: as it is a very tasty fruit that is easily eaten, we eat a lot of it, and this makes it difficult to digest it at night.

A couple of years ago we talked about it in one of our Meetings on Nutrition & Health. You can read more about this fruit in the post Should you eat melon for dinner?

Lemon water on an empty stomach makes you lose weight» ❌

There is nothing that will make you lose weight if it is not within a good diet, regular physical activity, a good sleep and a series of other factors that must be taken into account. Therefore it is a fallacy.

The water on an empty stomach hydrates us and we take a little Vitamin C with the lemon juice (although we already know that the fruit is better to take it whole), but there is nothing else.

«Water makes you fat » ❌

Occasionally I hear the phrase “it’s because even water makes me fat”; and I already know that what it means is that you gain weight very easily (this is something else).But to put it plain, water NEVER makes you fat (although in some kidney or heart diseases it is recommended to limit water consumption, but this is another matter and always under the recommendation of a doctor).

I recommend not drinking too much during the meal, to promote digestion, and that the water is never very cold, so as not to interfere with the digestive process, which is a “hot process”. But what I said, NEVER makes you fat.

«Whole food is healthier » ✅

It is healthier and, in addition, it is recommended. All the cereals we eat should be whole (in some pathologies its consumption may be limited), because by not being processed they keep all their nutritional properties intact, beneficial for our health. For example, consuming whole grains is associated with a lower risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer.

Of course, we must inform ourselves well, read labels to make sure that they are really made (bread, pasta, etc.) with whole wheat flours or that they are unprocessed (such as rice).


Dra. Arantza López-Ocaña

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