“I’ll start diet on monday” is probably one of the most repeated phrases both after Christmas (after the “excesses”…) and in the weeks before the arrival of spring (for summer…). However, as I always tell you, there is never a date to take care of yourself; every day you have to do it, because health, our health, is every day.
In any case, beyond “diets”, we are going to give you a series of guidelines to start taking good care of ourselves (“it’s hard to do it”, at night it is when more, “it’s that I can’t stop eating sweets”, etc.) to allow us to continue in time (this is very important, I would say).
Some of them are not given importance or are not taken into account because it seems that they are “nonsense” that embarrasses us or that we believe will not help us… but they always-always help.
- Good guidelines start with the shopping list: make a good list and make the purchase based on it.
- In order not to have those foods at home that “make us feel tempted”, do not buy them.
- In case you make the purchase in supermarkets, avoid those tempting shelves.
- Do not go shopping hungry.
- Buy for yourself and not because “you have to have it” or because “I’m not going to deny others”; (“I have to have it in case someone comes, for the children…”).
- Organize the main meals of the week, because it is already known that the “haste” kills.
- Get some physical activity on a regular basis. For example, walking three days a week for an hour at a time or doing one of the tables that we find on the internet or on TV.
- Sleep well. There is a direct relationship (there are multiple studies) between sleeping little and poorly with an increase in overweight and obesity. As well as making it more difficult for us to maintain good guidelines because, there is more “anxiety”.
- Eat slowly; how difficult but how important! Become aware of meals, eat sitting down, dedicating time to it…
- Change scenarios. What I mean by this? For example, this situation is very typical: “After dinner, I sit down and watch TV and then I have to eat chocolate!”. Recommendation: after dinner take an infusion (it is not mandatory, but if you like it, it always helps) of Rooibos Tea (it does not have theine and helps reduce the desire for sweets) or licorice (not hypertensive) or whatever you like. Brush your teeth and, if you go to the sofa and you find it difficult to maintain control, then get up and do something else or go to bed, read, etc. Change the scenery!
- Write down (and this is one of the hardest things to do!) the positive things about taking care of yourself, why I want to do it, how I feel when I do things well and when not so well, when I don’t… And read it from time to time so you don’t forget.
- Keep a diary of meals: write down what you eat each day and so you will be aware of your meals. This helps you, really!
Small acts to achieve a lot. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to make an appointment with health professionals.
Good health!!!