Allergy is an exacerbated reaction of the immune system that some people suffer from certain stimuli. The most frequent of these are dust mites, pollen (very frequent now in spring), animal hair, certain foods and medicines, the sun, etc.

As symptoms, there can be a wide range that can range from itchy eyes, tearing, runny nose, itchy throat, asthma and could even cause death if an anaphylactic shock occurs.

In spring, the most frequent is allergy to grass pollen (there are more than twelve thousand different species) and in the south of Spain, it is very common to olive tree pollen.

Can we do something to avoid the symptoms of this spring allergy?

The answer is yes, so let us give those guidelines:

  • Air out the house for about ten minutes, but then keep the doors closed and always avoid the hours with the highest concentration of pollen in the environment, from 5 to 10 in the morning and from 7 to 10 at night.
  • Do not dry clothes in the open air.
  • In the car, always keep the windows closed.
  • Do not sit on grass or in the bush.
  • Avoid going out to the woods.

In addition, with regard to food, we can take a series of foods that, due to their contribution in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory action and contribution of vitamin C (in addition to others, but this one in particular helps in the modulation of the response of the immune system and has a great antioxidant function) can help us:

  • Oily fish.  Spring is an excellent time for fish such as mackerel, txitxarro, anchovies, salmon, etc. In addition, throughout the year you can enjoy both Cantabrian anchovies  and canned white tuna. Besides, its fats are the healthiest, because they are unsaturated, among which are the famous Omega-3 fatty acids, involved in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases.
    Onion and apple. They are very rich in Quercetin, a flavonoid with a powerful anti-inflammatory action.
  • Garlic.
  • Collard greens, broccoli, boles, and in general all cruciferous vegetables.
  • Fermented foods such as pickles, miso soup.
  • Flax and chia seeds.
  • Turmeric and Ginger.
  • Green tea.

Dr. Arantza López-Ocaña

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