The Mediterranean Diet (MD) is a dietary pattern based on the consumption of local, seasonal, and fresh products from the Mediterranean shore area.
The consumption of foods such as fish, vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains and olive oil together with nuts (as a contribution of healthy fats) and with hardly any intake of red meat, processed foods and refined carbohydrates make the MD a great diet.
It also promotes the practice of physical activity and the power to enjoy those meals with time, savoring food, sharing with family and friends, with what is more than a diet, it is a way of life or that is promoted with this Diet.
For a long time and as a recommendation within this diet, it was advisable to take a glass of red wine. However, today, as a doctor, it has been ruled out since the benefits of alcohol (drink very little, and only if a person likes) NEVER overcome the harmful effects of it so, it is better to drink Zero Alcohol.
How does it help us? Because, in general, it contributes to better health due to the high contribution of Vitamins (such as E, group B, etc.); Minerals (Calcium, Magnesium, etc.); fiber (thanks, among others, to vegetables and legumes) and quality macronutrients.
So, the guidelines of the MD helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases, control cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose in the blood, prevention of colon cancer (among others), good control of type 2 diabetes…
Good, easy, healthy guidelines that will make us have a better quality of life!