Now that we are in the middle of autumn, many people wonder if they should take some type of vitamins. That is why, just as in spring we talked about how to obtain vitamin D during quarantine, today we will talk about how to get vitamins for the autumn. The first thing you have to know is that if we eat a balanced diet, we will not have any deficiency in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients (we always talk in general).

Therefore, to obtain the vitamins we need in autumn or at any time of the year, we must base our diet on the Mediterranean Diet, in which we do not lack our ration of fruit, vegetables, legumes, cold-water fish, etc. and vary the colors of these vegetables and fruits.

However, taking into account that we are in autumn and given the circumstances we are living in, we are going to see some guidelines to have well covered the doses of two very important vitamins for the immune system: D and C

Foods with vitamin D

Before seeing, which foods can provide us with more vitamin D.? Let’s remember what its benefits are:

  • Helps in the good absorption of calcium.
  • Protects against certain cancers such as prostate and colon.
  • It is important for the proper functioning of the immune system, due to its immunomodulatory and anti-infective action.

Where can we find this vitamin?

  • Egg yolk
  • Cold-water fish
  • Mushrooms, mushrooms, champignons (which are also seasonal in autumn)
  • Cheese
  • In the market, there are foods strong in this vitamin, such as dairy and cereals.

Foods with vitamin C

What are the benefits of vitamin C?

  • Powerful antioxidant action which helps prevent and treat degenerative diseases
  • Helps in the correct absorption of iron and therefore prevents and treats iron deficiency anemia.
  • Helps the formation of skin, tendons, and wound healing…

What foods have it?

  • Red, purple, orange and green fruits: kiwis, blackberries, mango, oranges, tangerines, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries …
  • Green and orange vegetables such as chard, spinach, broccoli, red and green peppers, tomato, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot…

May we not lack in our diet! How are you doing autumn? Do you notice the autumnal asthenia? Let’s take care of ourselves by eating well!


Dra. Arantza López-Ocaña

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