Fantastic recipe from a fantastically creative mind! Just look at this seafood bite that Pedro has sent us: elaborate, snazzy and 100% original. A crispy spiral wrapped around an anchovy with seaweed, fig and that special touch that a Pedro Ximenez reduction brings to every dish. The Pedro behind this recipe has made an amazing first impression on us. He’s also invited us to take a look at “Gastrobecario“, a blog with varied topics where you’re just as likely to stumble across a review as a recipe or cooking tip. Anyhow, he’s already given us plenty to do: make a spiral and fill it with style and ingenuity!



  • Begin by blending the water, salt and flour to create a “bread” dough but without the yeast. When you have a soft but not sticky dough, make strips and roll them around a previously greased baking tube. Next, bake at 180ºC until golden brown. Set aside.
  • Open the figs, scoop out the middle (seeds and dry pulp) and roll into little balls. Set aside.
  • Reduce the Pedro Ximenez until it acquires a syrup consistency. If you buy it ready reduced you can skip this step.
  • Lastly, take the bread, insert 2-3 leaves of rocket, place the anchovy on top and a ball of fig in the middle. Add a drop of the reduction to one side of the fig and place a few strands of seaweed on the other side.

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